June Events from Kington Kleen

Life on the Verge at The Hub, School Lane, New Radnor Saturday 8th June from 10am – 2pm 

Your local verges need you…and so does wildlife!
Bring family, children, friends …and stout shoes …as, weather permitting, the event will spend time too on Castle Mound! The event is free and hopefully there will be refreshments. E-mail in advance at janice@rwtwales.org if you plan to come. The Hub can accommodate up to fifty and the organisers don’t want to turn anybody away!
A Next Door Nature – joint Radnorshire Wildlife Trust & Resilient Radnorshire event.

Also, on the same day from 10-3, Bute are presenting their Radnor Forest Wind Farm plans for public consultation at a ‘public exhibition’ in New Radnor Community Centre, just up the road.


“Six Inches of Soil” at Pembridge Parish Hall Friday 14th June at 6:30 pm

 A British independent full-feature documentary focusing on soil health and regenerative farming. It tells the inspiring story of young British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming how they produce food – to heal the soil, and our health, and provide for local communities. The film aims to sound the alarm on a broken system, but also to give hope that there is a way to fix it; to inspire farmers to adopt agroecological and regenerative farming practices; and to encourage consumers, food corporations and policymakers to support their efforts.

Pembridge Parish Hall will be showing the film to be followed by a panel discussion and Q/A with five local farmers who will give their own thoughts and perspectives on the issues raised by the film, based on the practical realities of farming in our local area.
Registration is free but space is limited so you are encouraged to book early. Click here.

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