WOW Online Film Festival

Tickets for the WOW Film Festival’s online programme are now on sale. From March 31 to April 7, you will have the opportunity to watch their selection of eight feature films and five packages of short films, most of which are UK premieres.
Members of the Herefordshire Green Network might find the film “Finite: The Climate of Change” to be of particular interest. It is part of the ‘Ecocinema’ strand and a timely reminder of the need for collective action to address the climate crisis. “Finite” is one of the films accessible via streaming through the festival website.

WOW believe that everyone should have access to high-quality films that promote diversity, equality, and inclusion. That’s why they have adopted a “Pay What You Feel” offer, which allows people to contribute what they can afford. If you can, please donate to support the festival and help them reach those who cannot afford to pay.

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