Spend some time in your garden or nearby open space over a spring weekend and see what’s about (you may be in for a big surprise).
The Hidden Herefordshire project would like you to record all of the wildlife in your area, welcoming records of all plants, fungi and animals.
To take part, all you need is a keen eye and a recording sheet (or App). You can record for 10 minutes or 10 hours, it’s up to you. You can also borrow kit, from pots to bat detectors, and there are different ways to record your sightings, whether you prefer paper or do digital. There’s even handy spotters sheets (they’ve thought of everything).
Everyone can take part, whether expert or beginner, and there will be experts on hand to help out.
The survey is taking place over the weekend of Friday 12 to Sunday 14 May. For more details, visit the Herefordshire Biological Records Centre website.