HGN News

HGN held its Annual General Meeting online on Wednesday 15th May. Participants heard from members of the Steering Group about what HGN has achieved during the past year including updates on The Great Collaboration and Building Sense. There was a discussion with the members present about how they see HGN’s role going forward. At the end of the meeting there were brief presentations from some members about their what their group does and its activities.

For those who were not able to attend, a recording of the meeting can be accessed by clicking here. 


Included in the AGM presentation was an appeal for new Steering Group members. Due to other commitments, some of the current steering group are standing down. We are particularly looking for people with experience in project management, strategic development, fundraising and relationship development, membership organisations and communications.

If this sounds like you, please e-mail Rachel on admin@hgnetwork.org who will put you in contact with current Steering Group members for a chat to find out more.


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