Swap your veg and flower seeds in time for the new season.
The 16th annual Seed Swap event will be held once again at the Courtyard in Hereford this Saturday, 1st February
This free event will take place between 10am and 1pm (1 hour earlier than previously).
Beginners and seasoned gardeners are invited to swap seeds, plants and tips. Those with nothing to swap can still join in and take home some seeds or plants, with cash contributions to help us run the event gratefully received.
11.00am: Talk by Catrina Fenton – Head of Heritage Seed Library (HSL) at Garden Organic.
HSL maintains a unique collection of heritage vegetable seeds, preserving varieties that are not widely available.
Tools in need of sharpening can be brought along for service. Unwanted or broken tools can be donated to Tools for Self Reliance, TFSR Cymru.
Hereford Wildlife Trust, Growing Local and Aspire Growing will also have stalls.
For more information email herefordseedswap@gmail.com or visit Facebook: Seed Swap Herefordshire