Submissions for the HGN Newsletter

The weekly members’ newsletter promotes news and events from our member groups so please do send details of your activities to to share with the HGN readership. HGN have drawn up guidelines for submissions to the newsletter. These are shown below, and also on the News page of our website.

  1. Items should be topical, relating to issues of environmental interest and preferably of local or regional interest.
  2. Submissions should be in an easily transferable and readable style: formatted in Word or in the body of an email – not a pdf or jpg please; no more than 100-300 words; accompanied by a photo or logo for uploading.
  3. The inclusion of submissions are at the discretion of HGN and may be edited to ensure all content is in line with HGN’s values. Submissions may be edited for length.
  4. Posts describing events or activities organised by HGN will be in the first person (HGN is organising a tea party. We will be providing free tea and cake). Submissions from members of HGN will be edited to make it clear that the event or activity described is organised by a group/individual other than HGN and will be in the third person (HGN group member X is organising a tea party. They will be providing free tea and cake.)
  5. Submissions will not be included if they are submitted anonymously or there is a request for the submission to appear unattributed.
  6. Submissions from groups/individuals who are not members of HGN will be included at the Administrator’s discretion and where space allows.
  7. Decisions about content will be made by the Administrator. Anyone unhappy with a decision should, in the first instance, raise their concern with the Administrator. If they are still unhappy, the matter will be referred to the Co-chairs of the HGN Steering Group for final arbitration.


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