Transport Consultation Ends on the 11th!

I know – you’ve heard it before. I’ve written it before. But it is so so important, that we have to keep talking and sharing and helping people fill out the form. The information provided by the council is not easy to navigate, so let’s talk to people, answer their questions and get them writing! The plans have been designed by people who do not walk, cycle or use public transport. We need a bigger vision and better ideas to make this city workable for all. The transport hub is a bus stop. That is not enough! We need park and ride spots where people can leave their cars and walk, or hop on an (affordable) bus or hop on a bike. We need better public transport to serve our rural community. We need this to reduce congestion, pollution and improve the health and well being of all!

Lots of information in the Wye Ruin it? website – please share it!

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