Seeing Red in Hereford

The residents of Kings Acre Road and people from all over Hereford turned out early on Wednesday morning this week to voice their protest against the proposed Hereford Bypass route.

They were supported by experts in town and transport planning who joined members of Wye Ruin It to articulate why they think the Bypass is a huge mistake and will impact negatively on Hereford’s levels of pollution, lives and livelihoods – and increase city congestion.

For those seeking more information:
Agenda papers for Full Council
Scrutiny Committee
The Scrutiny Committee met this week on 18 July and Committee members were able to ask questions of Council Officers and their consultants from WSP and Balfour Beatty. The Chair, Cllr Sebastian Bowen, concluded that the Red Route “does least damage” and Cabinet will meet to “approve” the Red Route on 27 July.

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