“Focus On”: Fownhope Parish Council


Before the lockdown, our Environment Working Group had been working hard to promote action to reduce Fownhope’s carbon footprint. With the easing of lockdown, it seems the right time to start talking about it again.  We declared a Climate Emergency in June 2019 and since then have been working to turn this into meaningful action focused on five key areas: Transport, Energy, Waste, Land Use and Buildings.  We have been working with the Herefordshire Green Network and attended their ‘Great Collaboration’ workshops, designed to bring other local councils and community groups together to encourage a collaborative approach.

Coronavirus and the Climate:

The climate has of course been one of the few winners in the coronavirus pandemic, with carbon dioxide emissions dramatically reduced worldwide.  But what we need to do now is to work out how we can maintain these improvements as life slowly returns to normal. 

During home-schooling, I came across a story on YouTube called ‘The Great Realisation’, a child’s bedtime story set in the future looking back on coronavirus and the lockdown and I can’t recommend it enough:click here to watch it

There are so many things we can change in our own lives that will start to make a difference. Too many to list here, but if you’d like to learn more about the changes we’re making in Fownhope, or to read the full newsletter, please do get in touch via email at: fownhopeclerk@hotmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!

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